Photos of
Julius Caesar by r.r. jones are up now on
flickr as well as on
Shakespeare Santa Cruz. One good looking production! My friend Joan went as far as to proclaim it simply the BEST
Julius Caesar, a play that she loves. She also came to the defense of Jonathan David Visser. I still think that he's too young, too tall, too skinny, too sober, too nice and healthy looking to play a man, who I know for certain was a dark, brutish, aging rakehell heavily into drink and fornication.
Plutarch, anybody? To quote:
...with the better class and with all well conducted people his general course of life made him, as Cicero says, absolutely odious, utter disgust being excited by his drinking bouts at all hours, his wild expenses, his gross amours, the day spent in sleeping or walking off his debauches, and the night in banquets and at theaters, and in celebrating the nuptials of some comedian or buffoon.

By the age of forty, his lifestyle must have left its marks, particularly since he started having fun while still quite young. Richard Burton, for example, was a great Antony in appearance, slightly pasty faced and about to lose his waist line. My absolute favorite for the role is
James Purefoy on
Rome. Sexy, sincere, scary, disgusting. I could not possibly imagine a more perfect Antony. But I digress...
Back to my friend Joan and Shakespeare Santa Cruz. Vehemently opposing me, she thought Jonathan David Visser's Antony stunning, her endorsement followed by no less than five exclamation marks. Five!!!!!
Well, she did see
Caesar before
Midsummer Night's Dream.
Apart from that I can only point out that
De gustibus non est disputandum