Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gaetano Donizetti's "Elixir of Love"

UCSC's annual spring opera production will be Gaetano Donizetti's "L'elisir d'amore," directed by Brian Staufenbiel.
UCSC Orchestra conducted by Nicole Paiement.

Set in a World War II military factory, our production of Donizetti’s timeless comic opera tells a love story with wonderful music and a fabulous chorus. The doting Nemorino is madly in love with Adina, the factory owner, who hardly gives him the time of day. Along comes Sergeant Belcore who spurs Adina's interest so much so that she even considers marrying him, further fueling Nemorino's despair and desperation. Who can help poor Nemorino before it is too late? Only the quack Dr. Dulcamara, a charming hustler and con man who peddles bad Bordeaux as a magic "elixir." Dulcamara helps Nemorino get his groove back and find love in the end!

Sung in Italian with supertitles.

June 3-6, 7:30 pm (Thursday-Friday-Saturday), 2:00 pm (Sunday matinee)

Reserved seating: $25 general, $21 seniors, $11 student discount (requires valid ID). Purchase tickets here

Buchempfehlung: Monika Maron

Ich lese gerade das zweite Buch von Monika Maron. Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich begeistert bin, weil soviel Gefühlsaufwallung mir verkehrt vorkommen würde um ihre klare, nonsense-freie, oft ironische und trocken-humorige Schreibweise anzupreisen. Es gefällt mir nur ungemein wie sie sehr schwierige, potentiell depremierende Themen wie Älterwerden/Sinnverlust im Rückblick auf das vergangene Leben/Ratlosigkeit in Hinsicht auf die Zukunft in leichtem, sogar lustigem Ton aufzeichnet. Es hat sich so ergeben, dass ich das Schicksal der Protagonistin Johanna rückwärts lese: "Ach, Glück" kam zuerst, nun stelle ich fest, dass dieser Stosseufzer Johanna schon in "Endmoränen" entwichen ist, und gerade habe ich beim Googeln dieses Romantitels festgestellt, das ihre Geschichte noch weiter zurückzuverfolgen wäre: "Wer ist diese Frau, wer ist Johanna, die Ich-Erzählerin? Maron-Leser kennen sie bereits aus früheren Romanen als eine trotzige Kämpferin." laut Rezension Sabine Dultz im Münchner Merkur. Aha. Das garantiert mir weiter Maron-Lesestoff. Die Herren und Damen Kritiker scheinen perplex, sie verstehen nicht ganz wieso ihnen Maron gefallen kann, obwohl in den Romanen doch gar nichts passiert! Kann es sein, dass Handlung zweitrangig erscheint, wenn jemand so gut schreiben kann? Mir auf jeden Fall macht das Lesen weiterhin sehr viel Spass.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Empfehlung diese Woche: Tatort "Tango für Borowski"

Ich warte immer noch auf Online-Erstausstrahlung meiner Lieblingstatortkomissare (ist das wirklich ein Wort im Deutschen?) Meine Spitzenreiter sind ganz klar Münster und München. Witzig ist auch Wien. Die schöne Hannoveranerin und die sympathischen Kölner waren schon dran in 2010. Diese Woche, und nur diese Woche in der ARD Mediathek als Video online (20 bis 6 Uhr MEZ) zu sehen, möchte ich das nordisch-kühle Kieler Team wärmstes empfehlen. Es verschlägt Borowski und Frieda Jung in Tango für Borowski nämlich noch einmal ein gaaanz, ganz gutes Stück weiter nach oben auf der Landkarte, nämlich nach Finnland. Das lässt uns in den Genuss eines recht exotischen Tatorts kommen, der mit einer Prise Kaurismäki, und einem Schuss Coen-Brüder gewürzt zu einer schrägen, unterkühlt-humorigen Unterhaltung wird. Interessant auch, wie sehr der europäische Norden an Redneck-infizierte Südstaaten erinnert. Am Schluss vielleicht ein bisschen lang (hatten die Macher da zu viel Spass, und wollten noch nicht zum Ende kommen?), trotzdem enorm sehenswert.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Larry Sultan

My second discovery last week was the work of Larry Sultan, renowned California photographer and professor at the California College of the Arts in SF, who had died at the age of 63 last December. His most influential works appear in two different rooms of THE VIEW FROM HERE at SFMOMA representing two different stages not only in the artist's life, but in the history of art photography as well. They're actually so different that I did not make the connection until I noticed the cross-reference. First on display are black & white examples from Evidence — a 1977 collaboration with Mike Mandel. This series of "found" images selected from industrial and government archives, are detached, bizarre, funny statements on society's strange endeavors, no titles. no captions. On the other end of the spectrum, and placed towards the end of the exhibit, the two brilliant color photos from the very personal Pictures from Home are as stunning as they are moving. The best selection online I found on americansuburbx, but I would recommend tracking down the book. For an article on Larry Sultan visit

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thai Spice

A day in the city last week brought two discoveries. The first was Thai Spice on Polk. Walking down the street we were drawn to the warm colors of the exterior, and a free table in one of the sunny bay windows. When a sign in the door announced that the Chronicle had placed it among the five best Thai places in SF, our growling bellies immediately ordered us to go for it. No regrets! The prices weren't any higher than usual; the place is very cozy, yet more elegant than your average Thai place, and the food was excellent! The dishes were spicy as promised, but the spices did not strongarm the other ingredients, but instead managed to coexist with all other individual flavors. The Basil Leaf entree with prawns was quite possibly the best Thai basil meal I've ever had.

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Choir

I have a cold. Annoying, of course, but at least it gives me a chance to catch up on blog entries, for which I couldn't find the time earlier. Among other events that I did not mention was "Best of the Rest" of the "8 Tens @ 8" at the Actor's Theatre, which I actually liked better than last year's. It was only on schedule for four days, so let me move on to recommend something that you don't have to wait another year to enjoy: The New Choir. I saw them in concert late March at Holy Cross Church. They were absolutely amazing! I was so impressed that I had to buy the latest CD. When I didn't have enough money, the lady selling the CDs was sweet enough to offer that I just take one, and send them a check later. What astounding confidence in my honesty! I was able to borrow from a friend, though. It's not quite the same as the incredibly beautiful live performance, but I still enjoy listening to the recording. The New Choir will be touring Korea in June, but they will give a farewell concert in Palo Alto Sunday May 23, 2010, 7 pm, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church.