Thursday, September 22, 2011
UCSC Video
Ganz eindeutig ein Werbefilmchen, aber das Video hat ein paar sehenswert schöne Aufnahmen vom Unigelände.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ein höchst lesenswertes Web-Journal wäre...

Gott-sei-Dank kann ich die Lieben in Deutschland zumindest an ein ganz witzig und flott geschriebenes Online-Journal verweisen, das sich vor allem damit auseinandersetzt, was einem so als nach Kalifornien gewehtem Deutschen Lustiges, Sonderliches, oder schlicht alltäglich Wahnsinniges widerfährt. Also, wer Lesestoff möchte, dem sei wärmstens das California Journal empfohlen! Viel Spass, auch beim Stöbern im Archiv!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Winter Haiku #4 & 5
Eiszehen. Glühwein
macht Nase und Ohren rot.
Schwankst strahlend nach Hause.
Icy toes. Mulled wine
turns your nose and cold ears red
you wobble home beaming.
Winters Hoheit schmilzt,
schwer tropft es von den Bäumen.
Amseln fliegen wieder
Winter's spell broken
big drops from bareskinned trees
blackbirds fly again
Eiszehen. Glühwein
macht Nase und Ohren rot.
Schwankst strahlend nach Hause.
Icy toes. Mulled wine
turns your nose and cold ears red
you wobble home beaming.
Winters Hoheit schmilzt,
schwer tropft es von den Bäumen.
Amseln fliegen wieder
Winter's spell broken
big drops from bareskinned trees
blackbirds fly again
Monday, December 20, 2010
Winter Haiku #2 & 3
Mondaufgang pastell
über gleitendem Schiff - der Fluss
spiegelt Weinbergschnee
Moonrise through pastels
over the barge - the river
reflects vineyard snow
Schirme gleiten schwarz
durch rasches Schneegestöber
Lichterzielen zu.
Through brisk snow flurries
black umbrellas home in on
windows' guiding lights.
Mondaufgang pastell
über gleitendem Schiff - der Fluss
spiegelt Weinbergschnee
Moonrise through pastels
over the barge - the river
reflects vineyard snow
Schirme gleiten schwarz
durch rasches Schneegestöber
Lichterzielen zu.
Through brisk snow flurries
black umbrellas home in on
windows' guiding lights.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Crepe Place & Absinthe?

Yesterday at Joe Stroud's get-together I found out that Joan has turned into a absinthe connoisseur. Today I find out that Crepe Place has been offering/promoting absinthe cocktails for years now, literally. How could I have missed it? Well, maybe because I don't exactly have a weakness for anise and licorice flavors, so the whole absinthe renaissance & euphoria over said spirit having become legal again in the US (long story) have largely passed me by. Until Joan announced today that "TUESDAY is ABSINTHE NIGHT AT THE CREPE PLACE." In capital letters. Yes. Now my curiosity is tickled, at last. Since The Crepe Place offers the New York Times' favorite absinthe, the Swiss Kübler Absinthe Superieure, the weather is simply gorgeous right now (80F=27C), very much entices me to go out, and the Crepe Place is a 5 minute bike ride down the street, I think I will make tomorrow night an absinthe night!
And the next day, being the third Wednesday of the month, the Crepe Place will see us for our traditional Mittwoch Stammtisch, of course. Cheers und Prosit!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
15th Anniversary Berlin & Beyond Film Festival
The fact that the festivals is sponsored by the Goethe-Institut San Francisco, and that the website is exclusively in English does give a clear indication of who the target audience for Berlin & Beyond is. Germans might already be familiar with at least some of the scheduled movies, but Left Coast dwellers are offered a rare chance to thoroughly catch up on German cinema here. I've had to grudgingly admit that due to lingering flu symptoms I better keep a low profile for yet another weekend. No Roller Derby bout for me, no Berlin & Beyond in San Francisco. So I'm very happy that for the first time in its history the festival moves to San Jose for an Encore Day on October 30th (Camera 12 Cinemas). Not only do we get a second chance to see Endstation der Sehnsüchte, und Giulia's Verschwinden, San Jose's Encore Day offers the only festival screening of Fatih Akin's Soul Kitchen. I really liked his previous film Auf der anderen Seite. I did not catch Soul Kitchen when it played in the theater, so I look forward to watching it on the big screen now.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pacific Rim Film Festival

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival

Monday, September 27, 2010
Heat Wave? Côtes du Rhône!

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