Monday, December 29, 2008

Ginger Brew Part Two

Saturday, December 27, 2008
(Sub)urban Homesteading and Sustainable Living

Friday, December 26, 2008
The general complaint about our brave new world of...

While I agree that disconnectedness is a discernable symptom & unfortunate side effect of how society is progressing in general, new technology has also created unexpectedly useful ways to support community building in the real world.
Long story short, I love my Meetup groups! In this case, the internet is a great medium to bring folks with common interests together. While there were tools in the past that allowed like-minded people to find each other (my Stammtisch started out with low-tech ads in the paper), Meetup offers a more direct, more interactive, and more colorful approach to organizing groups with helpful features like polls, or automated reminders and feed back requests. Of course, the main and most important factor is still an inspired, diligent organizer, as well as enthusiastic participants. I recommended to Paul that it might be worth looking at groups in the area, but unfortunately Monterey seems to be lacking the variety and consistency in groups that we enjoy in Santa Cruz. So I'd like to send out a big Thank you! to Amy and Gerry and all members who make the events into events!
For all suspicious minds, it's not a check in the mail from Meetup that inspired this little laudatio, I'm just genuinely pleased with the way groups have been developing.
(Image: Geek & Poke)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Prost Weihnachten!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hexen Punch ist Eierpunsch ist Egg Nog

Wenn Du erst einmal ein Glas ausprobieren möchtest bevor Du ein ganzes Fass braust, hier ist ein einfaches Rezept, das man sogar schnell mal in der Mikrowelle erhitzen kann:
2 Teile Eierlikör
1 Teil Weißwein
1 Teil Orangensaft
Etwas Vanillezucker.

(I know, it's immensely unfair to translate a big fat German entry with one lonely line in English, but I'm really only expressing my surprise that there is such a thing as German Egg Nog. I only found out recently at Rob & Greg's German Christmas Party. No nutmeg, lots more alcohol!)
Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008
California to Conquer the World?

Sunday, December 14, 2008
How One Things Leads To Another...

Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Verdict
Joan has posted an article on Joe's Tuesday reading in what she calls her "classic naive-poet style." Check it out and you'll find thrown in for good measure lots more interesting reports & reviews.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Shogun and New Music Works

And people watching is a lot of fun... More on Yelp, where I appreciated one reviewers description of how
Once you stumble over the schizophrenic transient, weave thru the zombie heroin addict kids, wind around the hippies and hipsters and avoid the usual gaggle of oddities that make up the greater population: you will find Shogun.That's Pacific Avenue on Planet Cruz for you!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Life Is Good

Wind: SW at 0 km/h
Es wäre gerade schwer mit der Welt nicht im Einklang zu sein... Samstag Nachmittag, ich trinke Kaffe, danach werde mich auf dem Radl zu Kathleen's Craft Fair aufmachen. Abends treffe ich mich mit den "Klassikern" zum Sushi im Shogun, danch gibt's "New Music Works" ein Konzert mit zeitgenössischer Musik.
Friday, December 5, 2008
More on Stroud

Tuesday, December 9 at 7:30 PM, Capitola Book Café, 1475 41st Avenue, Capitola. $3 suggested donation to Poetry Santa Cruz.
Joseph Stroud has a new collection of poems arriving this winter: Of This World: New and Selected Poems (Copper Canyon Press, December 1, 2008). His previous collections are In the Sleep of Rivers (Capra Press, 1974), Signatures (BOA Editions, Ltd., 1982), Below Cold Mountain (Copper Canyon Press, 1998), Country of Light (Copper Canyon Press, 2004), and three limited-edition chapbooks. He was born in 1943 in Glendale, California and received his BA in Literature and Philosophy in 1966 and his MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University in 1968. He taught writing and literature at Cabrillo Community College for 35 years and co-hosted The Poetry Show on KUSP. He is the recipient of the prestigious Witter Bynner Fellowship from the Library of Congress. His poems have been featured on National Public Radio, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post. He divides his time between Santa Cruz and his cabin at Shay Creek on the east side of the Sierra Nevada.(from the Poetry Santa Cruz December Newsletter)
Read The Potato from Country of Light by Joseph Stroud on the Academy of American Poets website.
Read three more poems from Country of Light on the Copper Canyon Press website:
“Cathedral”, a selection from “I Wanted to Paint Paradise” and “A Coat of Many Colors”.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Letter from Joe Stroud
Monday, November 24, 2008
Yesterday's "Hands Left Behind" and an upcoming Crafts Sale

Apropos advertising, Kathleen sent me an ad for a craft sale where she'll be selling "felted hats and purses from recycled wool sweaters and these crazy hair ties from wool roving." Crazy hair ties from wool roving? I'll have to check those out!
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Clinton wird Secretary of State

Carmina Burana at UC Davis

Friday, November 21, 2008
Carl Orff’s “Carmina Burana” 11/21 - 23

"Nicole Paiement conducts the full UCSC Orchestra and the combined vocal forces of the UCSC Chamber Singers and Concert Choir plus members of the Cabrillo Children’s Choir — over 125 strong — in a semi-staged presentation of Carl Orff’s dramatic choral-orchestral favorite based on medieval texts about love, drinking, and springtime. The program also features the premiere of “Expand the Hive” for orchestra by student Nick Vasallo, winner of the 2008 UCSC Orchestral Composition Competition, and the premiere of a newly commissioned work “Through a Crack in the Concrete” by UCSC alumnus Chris Pratorius." And I'll be there!!!

Und der letzte Eintrag auch auf Deutsch:

Schmap Munich Sixth Edition: Photo Inclusion

Hi afsantacruz,
I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released sixth edition of our Schmap Munich Guide:
Klosterkirche St. Anna im Lehel
If you use an iPhone or iPod touch, then this same link will take you directly to your photo in the iPhone version of our guide. On a desktop computer, you can still see exactly how your photo is displayed and credited.
Thanks so much for letting us include your photo - please enjoy the guide!
Best regards,
Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008
Squirrel Obstacle Course

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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