Before we hook up with my friend Irena for a night about town, enjoying lots of
Ebbelwoi, later a nightcap at the cute
Yachtklub on the river & under the stars, Chris and I check out Michael Sailstorfer and shooting star
Terence Koh at the
Schirn. The blinding light in Koh's white room is an amazing experience. Chris has a chat with the guard while I'm taking pictures and finds out that the guards are supposed to wear sunglasses so they won't go snowblind. Even the workers wore glasses while installing "Captain Buddha". We are not impressed by the assortment of objects that make up the exhibit, but the white light is so intense it has interesting physical and psychological effects, i.e. you lose orientation and balance as well as your sense of time. And yes, that's my extremities in red shoes facing a tortured figure in Koh's room. The camera in front of my face saved me from going blind, and I promise to post the pictures on webshots or flickr as soon as I'm back in CA.
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