Sharan, Paul's mom, came to visit. She and Paul stayed with me in Santa Cruz over the weekend, which made for a busy, fun couple of days. Temperatures were in the mid-sixties, cold nights & sunny days. Everybody seemed to be out and about, happy about the sun returning after last week's storms. Sharan was amazed about the hardy Californians playing beach volley ball in shorts, or even bathing suits, while she was wearing gloves. It seems East and West coast climates are very different.... I liked best kicking back at the harbor on the patio of
Aldo's. No Mimosas for brunch, they were out of orange juice, but the wild salmon was great. After the meal we went for a little walk to the lighthouse at the harbor entrance. The most exciting event of the weekend (not necessarily in a good way), was when we learned first hand how rogue waves can sneak up on you. Sharan and Paul got drenched by one! Fortunately, we were not too far from my place, so they could change into dry clothes (or drape over the heater/blow dry the first set of clothes, in Paul's case) before they took off to Monterey via San Juan Bautista. My place felt extremely quiet last night after all the hustle & bustle over the weekend. The cat, who had disappeared under the bed while the visitors were around, came out of hiding, though, and all the sudden was her old (nocturnal) self again, curious & sweet. Aw!

Paul's Mutter war da, was für ein hektischer, aber lustiges Wochenende sorgte. Die Katze verzog sich prompt Freitagnacht unters Bett, um erst gestern abend wieder aufzutauchen. Gottseidank ohne weiter psychologisch Schaden genommen zu haben. Am interessantesten war wohl der Sonntag. Nach einem Brunch bei
Aldo's am Hafen sind wir kurz zum Leuchtturm spaziert, wo Paul und seine Mutter von einer plötzlichen Monsterwelle überrascht bis auf die Knochen nass wurden. Ich hatte noch versucht sie zu warnen, war vorahnungshalber auch auf einem trockenen Felsen gestanden, wo ich verschont wurde, aber die Welle krachte zu schnell auf sie nieder als dass sie sich noch hätten retten können. Gottseidank ist's nicht weit zu mir, wo dann mittels Heizung und Fön die Klamotten getrocknet wurden bevor es über San Juan Bautista nach Monterey weiterging.
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