I enjoyed the show! The four guys of the Shanghai Quartet are very very, good technically, emotionally precise, precisely emotional, which held the romantic tendencies of the selection in check: Samuel Barber's String Quartet No 1; Chinese songs arranged for the western instruments of a string quartet by Yi-We Jiang, one of the Shanghai members; and Beethoven's String Quartet No 9. Barber's famous
Adagio has been used in many movies, but I actually liked the first movement better. And for something completely different, what I also appreciated was the Hefeweizen afterwards (Franziskaner, they were out of Paulaner) at the newest Brit pub off Mission Street: Soccer on the screen, Punk/Ska from the speakers, and the heavily tattooed youngster bartender with the bleached hair eager to pour my Weizen his way next time (after not quite approving of how I did it). He and the owner did their best to entice me to have a second one, but I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast, and therfore a bit of a buzz already from Hefe #1. Fun bar, get a taste of the
Parish Publick House on MySpace.
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